Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hi! ,my name is Daniela Araya and I study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Chile.
I like nature, painting, I like cats, specially them black-colored and white. Also I like to sing very high. Specially songs that rock!

Now I have 2 puppies, Their names are Mokka & Canela, they are nine months old.

I found them in the Veterinary Medicine Faculty. They are very lovely and playful.

I hope to achieve using my blog, getting in touch with in spontaneous and flowed form my classmates, and to learn into a funny and didactic way.

Now, I'm very busy studing Anatomy; so I got to go!

I hope you enjoy my blog
See you!


  1. hi , i thing yours puppies are so cute ^^
    good blog XD (i can stand that persona that you know who are XD)

    se you later or early , you choise^^


  2. such a nice cat, is it yours?
    I don´t really like cats that much but this one is so cute, cats do funny things, and I think they are clever than dogs, don´t U think?
    don't forget to read my blog...

  3. Greattings Carolina, this is a good blog, with a cute cat. I love to the cats and i have one called mona. Is very friendly and funny!
    Cata H.

  4. hi dany
    very good blog
    nice picture, i prefer cats instead of dogs,
    i dont know i think that they are more complicated and that is more interesting jajaja

    see you at classes
    take care

  5. i love pashmina:$
    or you??:$(cx)

  6. Very cute !...
    Ciao from Italy
